Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My father got married on 23rdMay 1948.The marriage was arranged by one Shridhar Bhaskar Potkar who had a printing press in Vijaynagar Bldg.at that time.He was son of sister of my grandfather Shantaram Bandivadekar When my father was working at Mama Kane restaurant he use to go to Pradip printing press.Many G.S.B.from Bhalavalikar community use to come at printing press and most of them were knowing each other . As such our community was closely woven at that time. .My father started canteen in Sept.46 and he was doing good business at that time. Potkar once ask my father whether he will marry his cousin, elder daughter of his Mama and marriage was arranged.My parents have not seen each other before marriage.My grandfather came to Mumbai along with my mother and her younger sister Ratnaprabha. She has come as Patharakhan for my mother.It was a tradition in our cast to send a younger sister or small girl along with new bride for few days till she is familiar t0 the new family from her husband side.My grandmother Tarabai has not come to Mumbai because she had to look after her other children and as such she was not present for her first child marriage.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Wagle family

Our Wagle family's ancestor shifted to nearby village called Devi Hasol which at that time was known as only Hasol from Bhalavali and settled there. About five generations back, one Mr Ramachandra Wagle was my ancestor. His son was Vishnu and Vishnu's son was Sitaram and Vithal. Sitaram Wagle had two sons - Gajanan and Sadanand. Sadanand is my father. Till recently all the marriages of our community were always arranged in between all these families only. But last 60-70 years the marriages between other GSB families of Goa, Karwar etc. I got married almost 30 years back to a GSB woman from taluka Karkala, Mangalore. Nowadays outside caste marriages are also common and many people have accepted that. But still some orthodox people especially from Rajapur taluka and Lanja arrange marriage in Bhalavalikar GSB community only.

The Wagle family which has shifted to Devihasol had five sons. This is around the year 1750-1780. The two sons shifted towards South and settled at Puttur in present South Canara district. Some other families of GSB also like Kinare etc also shifted at that time in Puttur taluka. The other two sons shifted towards North side and settled in Roha/Alibag talukas of Colaba district in present Raigad. There was a big group of GSBs that has settled there along with these people from Bhalavali and being closer to Mumbai after 1900AD they got educated with good facilities available to them at that time. While those who were staying in Bhalavali and surrounding areas were backward in the educational field. Up to 7th standard education was also not available to many people. Even my father and his elder brother have not gone to any school. But he was taught various books like Ramvijay, Harivijay by his father.

My grand-grand-grandfather, Ramachandra got married to one Sinkar/ Sardar - which was the title to that family. My grand-grandfather got married to a daughter of the same family again. And his son my grandfather married to one Tendulkar of Harche village. My uncle Gajanan was born in March 1912 and my father was born on 25th December 1913. After my father one sister was born but she and her mother expired around 1915-1916. At that time second marriage was very common. But my grandfather did not marry again. His two sons were looked after by his mother till they were about 10-12 years old. Afterwards there was no one to look after but my grandfather he himself take care of the two sons. There was no school in that area and so my uncle and father were not having formal education. At the age of 18 my uncle Gajanan came to Mumbai in search of a job. Since he was not educated he had no option than to join work as a boy in restaurant. After 2 years my father also said goodbye to the village and came to Mumbai. He used to say that to come to Mumbai, he had no money and he had to request one neighbour to give some money for the fare of Mumbai.

He came by steamer from Purnagad port and he also started working in the same restaurant. He used to say at that time that they used to stay near Charni road station and take bath there only and used the same dhoti again after bath. The dhoti was washed and kept on the fencing of the railway track for drying. After 3-4 trains pass the dhoti was dried and he used to wear it again. He used to work in Velankar restaurant, then Kelkar restaurant. These Kelkars were from Bhalavali village. They were two brothers Janardan Kelkar and Atmaram Kelkar and have come to Mumbai and from our GSB community. The two brothers were having sixteen restaurants at that time in Girgaum and surrounding areas. My grandfather expired in 1936. Before this death both the sons have brought him to Mumbai and at the age of 64 he passed away. In 1940 our ancestral house has dilapidated and the other two cousin brothers of Sitaram Wagle have constructed their different homes. Hence my father went and demolished whatever structure was there in 1942 and kept the God in one small hut covered by coconut leaf mat.

My father shifted to some other restaurants in Girgaum area only and in 1942 he joined Mama Kane's swachya upahargraha opposite Dadar Railway station West. Mr Shankarrao Kane, the son of Mama Kane was the owner at that time. He asked my father what is his caste. My father showed him his janva and said he belongs to Gaud Saraswat Brahmin community from Rajapur area. Kane employed him as a waiter. My father used to say that time minimum 12 hours duty was there and he worked honestly and to the fullest satisfaction of Shankarrao Kane. Around that time Mama Kane expired. Then Shankarrao Kane enquired about family members of my father and my father said that his elder brother is working in a restaurant in Girgaum. So on suggestion of Shankarrao Kane, my uncle also joined the restaurant. He got the job of mandniwala (filling dishes). Both the brothers were in the same restaurant. Shankarrao Kane was very pleased with my father for his honest work and he was in his good books along with my uncle also. Both the brothers work hard in that restaurant.

One Mr Baburao Sakhalkar who was director in Bombay Film Laboratories was a rich person from Bhalavalikar GSB community. He was from Colaba district and settled in Bombay long back. He used to come to Mama Kane's restaurant and my father used to serve him. Once he asked my father what is his name and when he came to know that he belongs to the same Bhalavalikar GSB community he said why you are working here, I will give you a canteen in our Bombay Film Laboratory, can you manage that ? My father was not immediately ready to say yes. He asked Mr Shankarrao Kane whether it will be possible for him to run a canteen. Shankarrao Kane said that you give up the job immediately and start the canteen. I will support you for all the problems which you will face. So on 2nd September 1946 my father started the canteen in Bombay Film Laboratories. Mr Kane helped him in guarding many aspects of the business including writing the accounts and fortunately for my father the business was running excellent. He could collect big amount because the film industry was booming at that time and all the recordings, editings etc was done at Bombay Film Laboratory.

My father then thought of building a house at his native place and sent his brother Gajanan, who was still working in Mama Kane's restaurant at that time to look after the carpenters and masons who were constructing that house. My father spent Rs. 4000/- on that house in 1946-1947. In 1948 my father got married to one Bandivadekar from Bhalavali village. After the marriage of my father there was some quarrel in Mama Kane's restaurant of my uncle with some other worker. Kane kept quiet and has not taken anyone's side at that time. So my uncle left the Kane restaurant and came to my father. So my father said you join me in this canteen. My uncle was also having huge experience of hotel industry and soon my father gave all responsibilities to him. My uncle got married to a Wakde family girl who was related to our family.

Bhalavalikar GSB community

Village Bhalavali is next to our village Devi Hasol and it is said that Devi Hasol was once a part of Bhalavali village.Village Bhalavali is important from few Goud Saraswat Bramhin who are known as Bhalavalikar G.S.B.; a caste to which I belongs.Portugese attack Goa around 1505. They conquered Anjandweep island where Arya Durga temple was there in the island. Because of this people in Goa started shifting to the adjacent districts due to fear of Portugueuse. Some people went towards south direction and settled in Karwar Ankola and up to Mangalore also. While our ancestors were staying near Priol village ran towards north via sea and came in the Purnagad port. Few GSB families were travelling together and came in the village Bhalavali and settled there. The families with the surname Wagle, Potkar, Patkar, Bandivadekar, Tendulkar, Sakhalkar, Kinare, Kamat, Kabir, Kawatkar, Juvale, Sinkar/Sardar, Haldavnekar, Wakde. The names like Kelkar, Marathe and Muleye which are very common in Chitpavan Brahmins are also seen in our Bhalavalikar GSB.

These families landed in Bhalavali village and settled there initially. Their main activity was agriculture. The whole area was surrounded by thick jungle where animals like leopard, fox, deer, pigs, varieties of poisonous snakes etc were there. Only few acres of land surrounding both the sides of the river which is called Bhalavali river was available for agriculture purpose. The people constructed their houses in that area. Our Wagle family's original plinth is still seen in the Pishend Wadi of Bhalavali village. All other GSBs also settled in the surrounding area. Some settled on the south side of Bhalavali river while some settled on the north side of the Bhalavali river. Afterwards they felt the need of some temple for worshipping. The first temple which they established was in the north side of the river and that was of Lakshmi-Madhav. The south side of the river the temples of Ganpati, Ravalnath, Navdurga were also established. This shows that the people who had come here also have not forgotten their original place of Goa. Some GSB families settled near the temples also. Afterwards they found that land was not sufficient to cope up with the increasing population of GSBs. So they shifted to the nearby area and 11 different villages at that time. Some in Rajapur taluka and some in Lanja mahaal at that time. The different villages are Devi Hasol, Satavali, Harche, Dorle, Peokhal, Kotapur, Gawde-Ambire, Bapere etc.

The temple of Lakshmi-Madhav is said to be "gadi" or "simhasan" or "throne" of all these 12 villages. Any Bhalavalikar GSB from all these villages they come to Lakshmi-Madhav temple for taking Darshan.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Devi Hasol village Taluka Rajapur

Devi Hasol is very scenic and beautiful village on the bank of Muchakundee river in Rajapur taluka.The river is so named because it is said that it starts from a cave where Muchakund Rishi used to perform his "Tapascharya'' The Kaliyavahan rakshas was chasing Shrikrishna to kill him.Shrikrishna was aware that Muchakund Rishi was performing Tapascharya in the cave and hid in the dark cave.Kaiyavahan entered the cave and saw Muchakund Rishi. He disturbed Rishi in his Tapascharya to ask about Shrikrishna.Rishi opened his eyes with anger because he was disturbed. Kaliyavahan was burned to ashes. Muchakunda Rishi then saw Bhagwan Shrikrishna and got blessing of Shrikrishna. Shrikrishna said that river will start from this cave which will be named after Muchakund Rishi and hence the river was known as Muchakundee. It gets water from Vishalgad of Sahyadri mountain and other villages. Muchakundee flows thru Lanja Taluka and separate Rajapur Taluka from Lanja taluka and meets Sindhusagar at Purnagad which is in Ratnagiri Taluka. In rainy season it is very dangerous to cross the river as water flows with very high velocity. Many people have lost their lives in this river. I remember someone named Bahu Khopekar, a son of Abbas Khopekar, a Muslim business man in the village Bhalavali and whose business premises was on border of village Devi Hasol was drowned in the year(1958). I was just 8.5 year old at that time. Actually I was shocked by that incident. And since then I was always afraid of crossing the river alone.

Recently also four persons from Bhovad family in our village were drowned in the night of amavasya. Two brothers and their sons were drowned. Just three days before this incident a mute person from other village was also found dead on the bank of river. Every year this type of tragedies are heard.During rainy season and one or two months after rainy season water of the river is sweet.But after that flow of sweet water recedes and salty water of the hightide enters the river (back water of the sea) upto village Dasur/Satavali which are on eastern side of our village.This hightide water is also dangerous near new moon and full moon day.But river is really dangerous in rainy season. As mentioned above in the Bhalavali village, Khopekar family was staying for many years and they are still carring out the business of sell of grocery. The widow of Bahu Khopekar has also started seperate but same type of business in Bhalavali village.I have no information whether she is still carrying on the business in Bhalavali village. There are few more shops in Bhalavali managed by Hindu families .

Devi Hasol village and Arya Durga Temple

I have written an essay about the Shri Arya Durga, Devi Hasol,Taluka Rajapur,Ratnagiri. You can read this here.

My first blogpost

My name is Prakash S. Wagle. This is my first blogpost. I want to write about my life on this blog.